Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Richard Misrach

Up to this point in the class, this is the photographer whose pictures I like the most, and whose work I feel I can relate to the most. My favorites were of the nighttime images with unusual lighting on the subject. I like the dreamlike qualities that were apparent in his images. They were simple, but beautiful. All of his images seemed to communicate a kind of solitude that I seem to identify with. It seems like he is going to these places and spending a couple days there alone taking pictures. Most of his work seemed to be in the outdoors which is what I prefer to photograph, and with the exception of a few images, they were absent of people. I have never been one to photograph people, I'd rather interact with nature in my photographs. Overall I like the fact that he was taking images of real-life places, and through his photographic process, giving them a fantasy/dreamlike quality.

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